The holiday season is hands down one of my favorite times of the year. Shopping, family time, travel and great food. There are so many things I am grateful for and during the Holidays I am always reminded how blessed my family truly is at this time in our life. One area that always takes a hit around the end of the year is my children’s schedule and sleep. With Thanksgiving ending and Christmas on the horizon means extra school events, family time, holiday shopping and extra parties. Along with these wonderful times brings the many unknowns of how your children will handle the out of sorts routine.

When children are off schedule it can bring meltdowns, tantrums and keeps parents on edge as they do not know what to expect from their child. Lets chat about some helpful reminders when traveling this holiday season and how to minimize the effects on your child and their sleep.
If you are travelling, stick to the normal routine and schedule the best you can. I know on actual traveling days it is hard to stick to a day time schedule, but getting your child into the bed at a decent hour will help settle them from their big day.
It can take a little more work for some babies when out of their own environment, but do not start a new habit such as rocking or nursing to sleep. This will only create a headache for you when you return home and another habit to try and break.
Plan naps around your day, an overly tired baby or child will put a kink in any of your plans. Before you begin your day know when you can set a time for your little one to catch a good nap; therefore, they will not have meltdowns and outburst due to lack of sleep.
Take travel cribs, pack n plays for infants, and have a durable travel mattress such as The Shrunks Travel Bed for Toddlers and older children. This will give a child their own personal sleeping space even while traveling.
Practice before your travel or trip having your child nap and sleep overnight in there travel bed; therefore, there will be no surprises on your trip as they will be comfortable with their new sleep environment.
Not travelling out of town, but still have family and friends to visit over the holidays, be sure to still take travel cribs and mattresses so children are able to have their naps if you are gone throughout the day.
A late night celebrating; go ahead and pack a child’s pajamas and bedtime gear. You can have them prepared so if they fall asleep on the way home you can easily move them into their crib or bed.

A well-rested and '"sleep trained baby" will be more successful and easier to stay on track while traveling or on vacation when it comes to sleep. If you are ready to take the next steps and have your child headed in the right direction to peaceful and restful sleeping email me at or head over to my website