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The Unexpected Challenges Of Adding Another Baby

Updated: Jun 18, 2019

As baby number three was quickly approaching, I had many ask if the nesting had set in before her arrival. Nesting, what is that when you already have two children and about to add number three. You nest starting from the day you find out you are pregnant. Trying to prepare and continuing to maintain the daily ins and outs of your already busy family and life.

I must say this third round we were not on top of our game, only 3 weeks until baby’s official due date and we still had no clue where this child would sleep. You see we have a three-bedroom home, not in the mood to move, we quickly needed a plan. We decided until the new baby could room with older sister we would turn our dining room into a temporary bedroom. Now that we had the plan, it was time to execute. Within a week’s time, we had doors installed, light fixtures hung and walls primed and painted. This is the seventh room my husband has painted in our house and states it would be his last.

The closer we got to baby’s arrival date the more questions and anxiety began to arrive. Now we are going from man to man defense to being outnumbered by our children. I know one of the hardest times is the newborn phase adjusting to the sleepless nights, starting to breastfeed for the third time and the constant need of another human relying solely on you to provide, protect and nurture them as they grow. Not only is this a tall order, but we have two other children, one of which is extremely demanding, and their needs still must be taken care of and continue their normal routines.

I continued to tell myself we will find what works for our family and adjust as we go along. Now my newborn is 12 weeks old, some days I feel we have a rhythm and other days it is pure survival mode. There will always be changes and challenges as we go throughout life. This is one of the most wonderful changes and God has truly blessed our family. I know there will be times of tears, a house full of laughter and working as a family to make it all work. No matter what we face we are grateful to add this beautiful new baby girl into our family. I am a planner at heart, but sometimes coming to the realization that adding a new baby into your family there will be times of uncertainty and chaos, but in the end knowing we have a wonderful and beautifuly blessed family is all that matters.

Do you have questions or comments about adding another baby into your family, I would love to hear from you. Are there other topics that are on your mind, please email me with your ideas.

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