Did you miss the live all about setting and understanding realistic sleep expectations for your little one?
You missed a jam packed mini-training!
No worries, because I have the video here and ready for you to view!
Click HERE to get all the latest details on finding the ideal bedtime and getting better naps in place for your child.
* What should you expect for a newborns sleep
* How long should your newborn be sleeping
* Can you set a schedule in place
* What you should expect for self soothing
* When can you expect a consistent routine and schedule
* What should you focus on first when it comes to routines
* Can you expect your newborn to fall asleep on their own
Find my FB group HERE, so you do not miss the latest details when it comes to sleep and your little one and SO MUCH MORE!!!
Every week I go live for a special training on specific sleep topics, you can ask questions live and learn from other mothers with the same sleep issues. I would love for you to join this group to better sleep. You can also find helpful blog post, videos, tips and so much more in this private FB group.
Have questions now, claim your FREE 15 minute call with me today! Click HERE ****